U of Colorado


Statement of Purpose

Essay Questions for Graduate Music Education Applicants

*Please submit your essay responses to:
Graduate Office
University of Colorado College of Music
301 UCB
Boulder CO 80309-0301

1. Describe your professional goals as a teacher, musician, and learner.
(500-750 words, 2-3 pages)

2. Present and support one perspective on one of the critical issues in the music education profession that is listed below. (750-1000 words, 3-4 pages)

_ Justifying music’s place in the K-12 school curriculum
_ Working with special learners in the music classroom
_ Integrating music with other school subjects
_ Using technology to teach music
_ Using sacred music in a public school music program
_ Teaching music of world cultures
_ Addressing children’s musical development
_ Implementing music standards in secondary ensemble classes
_ Offering non-performance music electives in high school
_ Using competition as a motivational tool
_ Assessing and grading music learning
_ Collaborating with adult or community music education programs