Cleveland Institute of Music


Cleveland Institute of Music Application Essay Prompt

  1. You must enter your essay in the following text box or you will not be able to submit your application. To prevent problems with your browser timing out, you should create your essay in a word processing program and then cut and paste it into position below.
  2. You must be sure to address the essay topic specifically and completely; do not simply submit a writing sample. Essays are read upon receipt of application and will have to be re-submitted if not pertinent to the topic.
  3. Minimum 500 words; maximum 750 words. If your essay does not meet these length requirements, you will not be able to move off of this page.
  4. Make all text flush left.
  5. Use no hard returns at the end of lines.
  6. Enter one blank line between paragraphs.


Essay Topic - Applicants:
It is our intention to get to know you as well as possible through your application. With this in mind, describe your educational and professional goals. If you wish, you may indicate specifically the ways in which your study at CIM could contribute to their attainment.